Archive for the ‘’ Category — :: Open Hack and Open MBA ::

March 4, 2011


I am GeeK007, and the founder of

I am highly inspired by Josh Kaufman of & his book Personal MBA.

I did graduate in Management Studies & later changed track towards Computer Science, but the love for principles of management studies & understanding business models and persona’s of iCON’s who made it big is still there and itching a lot.

After MIT started its Open Course-Ware & Apple launched iPOD, Podcasting (both audio & video) and the social web (Facebook, Twitter) became the norm of the day I feel its really easy to learn online today. Audio/Video Podcasts for almost anything is easily available for download to your iPOD, iPhone or iPAD. Recently I downloaded almost 1500 pod-casts from iTunesUniversity & I am chilled with it. I think I am going to spend the whole month just going through it.

So back to, what it is & whats my role in it. To begin I have just left my job and doing my startup with my friend. in my spare time I am doing PersonalMBA from Josh Kaufman’s site and from all the books that I have gathered in the last 12 years.

I am doing HackMBA, to share all my learnings with you. I will be sharing my presentations, pdfs and podcasts.

Beyond MBA I am also going to share with you all my research on .COM’s, rich internet media, social media & Computer Science & Enhanced Learning Systems.

Stay tuned.