Posts Tagged ‘eLearning’

7 Pillars of ClassRome – Part 1

August 6, 2009

I blogged about some minutes back, have some more time before going to bed so decided to blog yet another entry on ClassRome.

This is my 5th attempt at making a 7 point framework. (Previous attempts were on Information Age, Entertainment Industry and well Rainbow (VIBGYOR) & Music (7 Notes) also.)

The 7 Pillars of any school-2-college-2-higher-college-2-first-job person is:

  1. Classroom Bunking
  2. Dating
  3. Notes Sharing
  4. Exams
  5. Guest Lectures
  6. School/College Events
  7. Career Building

All possible student activities revolve around these pillars. As and when I have time, I will be writing more about them.


August 6, 2009

I have the urge for doing a 360 degree development of a cool web app which will be used by most of the world market.

As per my 7 pillar framework, I find education to be the most opportunistic sector. Now lets see what are the different market segments in it. There are 3 segments in this industry.

  1. CMS & LCMS Makers
  2. ePublishing for CMS & LCMS
  3. eSchools or Universties which use the services for the 1st and the 2nd market segment to deliver there courses

Name any eLearning company in the world I bet there services are around these. I was thinking of what segment I can fit some cool idea which no one has touched, well after lot of thinking I came to the conclusion that they are all touched to the extent that I cannot imagine.

But no one has been doing what I have in mind. I have a 7 point framework for my new pet project which I have been tickling since a long long time. I want the code name of the project to be

I will be writing about Classrome more soon here. Keep watching.